1. Airfare will fall at least 5% compared to 2022.
resolved Dec 29

(Edit: 2023-01-16) Don't just predict this one, please check out the other 12 travel predictions! Thanks! https://manifold.markets/group/scotts-cheap-flights-going-2023-pre


Average fares are currently 36% higher than they were 12 months ago. (Adjusting for inflation, airfare is up 24%.) In 2023, I expect that to reverse and year-over-year fares to fall.

(70% confidence)


This is question #1 from Scott Keyes' annual travel predictions at Scott's Cheap Flights (now Going).

Since Scott resolved and graded his 2022 predictions before the end of 2022, I am setting the close date ahead of the end of the year, to (try to) avoid a situation where he posts the resolutions before the market closes. In the event that his resolution post falls in 2024, my apologies in advance. If he hasn't posted resolutions at all by February 1, 2024, I will do my best to resolve them personally, and set N/A for any questions that I can't determine with outside (non-Going) source data.

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predicted YES

For anyone interested: I put the data together to visualize Scott's confidence scores vs. the final market value and then the outcome. I also added in my own predictions and Manifold's overall.

If anyone knows how to calculate calibrations from this, let me know? I made the sheet publically editable, so if you prefer, have at it. 😁


See you next week for the 2024 prediction series!

predicted YES

Hey there! Lots of activity on this market, which is great! But it's just one of thirteen travel predictions in the group. So don't just predict this one, please check out the other 12 travel predictions! Thanks!


Are you making this prediction inflation-adjusted or not? Your first paragraph doesn't make it clear.

@EvanTh Thanks for the question! I am transcribing the predictions that Scott made on his company blog post, linked in the description. I personally will resolve the question however he does… but I know that doesn’t help answer your question.

Personally, my guess is that since he is listing both 2022 figures, but the inflation adjusted figure parenthetically, he will be going with the non-inflation-adjusted value for resolution of this question.