Will Less Wrong's big red button be used on Petrov Day 2023?
resolved Sep 27

For 2022, see https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/KTEciTeFwL2tTujZk/lw-petrov-day-2022-monday-9-26

Resolves Yes if there is a big red button or some equivalent and it is used for some destructive effect. The destructive effect could be taking down a home page or something else equivalent. Equivalence is based on my subjective judgment if there is a dispute.

I will not bet on this market.

Sep 26, 5:02pm: if the home page goes down and then comes back up again I expect to consider that a destructive effect. If the button is pressed via a security vulnerability, social engineering, or some other mistake, I expect to consider that a use of the button.

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If there's no button, does it resolve NO or N/A?

@StevenK NO if no button or equivalent

Insider knowledge? ๐Ÿค”

Page go boom in 2020, and the market thinks it go boom in 2022, but no boom in 2019 or 2021. So 50%?

We may be getting into a pattern where success one year lulls LessWrong into going bigger the next year and falling down.