The last market had less-than-great resolution criteria. Hopefully this one will be a little better!
For the purposes of this market:
"Notable" means any of the following:
At least 3 of CNN, the New York Times, NBC News, Reuters, AP News, Fox News, USA Today, BBC, or NPR call the accident a "crash,"
The accident leaves 10+ dead or 15+ injured,
Someone with a Wikipedia page is killed.
"US" means that the plane was in US airspace at the time of the crash, or international airspace having taken off from the US.
"Plane" includes (but is not limited to) jumbo jets, helicopters, private aircraft, cargo planes, commercial aircraft, medevac flights, etc.
"Crash" typically means a plane hits ground violently (or the ocean, or trees, or buildings, etc.). It does not include other kinds of accident (such as, for example, a plane colliding with a vehicle, an on-ground fire, a cargo hold fire with a successful emergency landing on a runway, or in-air turbulence that results in deaths), but would include particularly violent on-ground accidents that involve a collision at speed (such as overshooting the runway and hitting a building).