It will be revealed that millions have already died in america from peak oil since 2020
resolved Mar 26
Resolved as

Labor force is 6 million below where it should be due to massive deaths. This will be revealed to be hidden deaths.

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predicted YES

... Isn't this just the result of shutdowns during the pandemic? How will this resolve?

predicted YES

@JoKing anyone who hasn't returned to work for 3 years is dead

bought แน€10 of NO

@MarkIngraham That's an extremely weird definition of "death", but okay. How will you determine that this was due to peak oil?

predicted YES

@JoKing it's more important that like 20 million people died

predicted NO

@MarkIngraham Not for this question (especially with your definition of died). I'm just trying to figure out how you're going to resolve this market

predicted YES

@JoKing it will resolve NO unless the users are physically annihilated by peak oil

predicted NO

@MarkIngraham "Physically annihilated"?? What does that sentence even mean?

predicted YES

@JoKing don't worry you're fine. Vote no