Liqudity subsidies are still exploitable on low-volume markets. Buy shares, wait for the unique trader subsidy to be added, then sell your shares for more than you paid.
resolved Apr 7

Will this bug be 1) recognized as valid by a member of the Manifold core team, and 2) fixed in a week? Filed from

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Gonna resolve this to n/a since dont remember and dont want to waste dev time figuring it out. I'm not sure who was previously resolving these markets.

But if someone wants to figure out the exact pr that fixed the bug and send a link to it I'll change the resolution.

predicted NO

@DavidChee This was never fixed, it's still the case. The only contention is whether this counts as a bug or an intended feature.

predicted NO

@ManifoldBugs I believe this can resolve to NO.

predicted NO

For example I could sell my shares for M$105 right now, despite only having paid M$100 for them.

Liqudity subsidies are still exploitable on low-volume markets. Buy shares, wait for the unique trader subsidy to be added, then sell your shares for more than you paid., 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition