More than 5% of Swedish single family houses will have their own energy storage units installed by 2030

Refers to battery packs of the Tesla Powerwall style — i.e. enough storage capacity to be able to do energy arbitrage and load balancing.

Will be settled based on best available source at the time. Only in-home energy storage will count. Electric car batteries do not count.

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Trying to estimate it based on Europe and production realities: I couldn't find a reference to the number of single family homes in Sweden or Europe. Assume 70% of 200 million households in Europe are single family homes. That is 140 million homes. 5% would be 7 million homes. The global number Tesla Powerwall installed in 2020 was 100k, and in 2021 was 200k. I don't have data about other manufacturers. Based on this it seems the growth rate would need to be an average of almost 50% per year to meet 7 million (just for Europe). So, I am betting no.

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Without other knowledge of other manufacturers data still seems more will take beyond 2030