What will be true of the cake that manifold makes? [ADD RESPONSES]
in 17 hours
@Mad will make it within a week of the poll closing
Manifold will be satisfied with the baking and judging process
It will be less than 50% flour
It will contain more sugar than vegan egg
Madge will make a single cupcake instead of a full size cake.
It will not resemble a cake AND it will taste bad
It will contain more baking powder than milk
When evaluating the taste, @mad will wish she didn't have to choose between "good" and "bad" for resolving the market because it tastes just OK
It will resemble a cake AND it will taste bad
Something will burn while making the cake
It will resemble a cake AND it will taste good
It will not resemble a cake AND it will taste good
As in the tumblr poll, vanilla essence will be the ingredient with the most votes

Based on the above poll I will make a cake. What will the cake be like? Please add responses!

Good and bad and resembling a cake are all subjective concepts, admittedly. As such I won't bet on any subjective items in this market (objective ones like eg if someone adds "it will be less than 50% flour" I might).

In general, I have a sweet tooth, so something that resembles a milkshake or smoothie might be considered good. Also, if it resembles bread it might be considered good, too.

Resembling a cake will mean, for the purposes of the market: "was something produced that, after baking, forms a single solid?" - as distinct from "pile of damp flour" or "milkshake", which are the two extremes of the scale with "resembling a cake" in the centre. That is to say, a literal loaf of bread would qualify as "resembling a cake" for the purposes of this market. As would, I struggle to admit, a cookie or brownie.

I intend to do my best for this market. If the ingredients skew liquidy, I'll try baking them like macarons, or something (I might solicit advice).

My husband @Paulf4db might also taste it to aid in judging but I'll be the final arbiter. As in all my subjective markets, requests for clarification are solicited.

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Going to be making the cake in a few days. I am scared

Madge will make a single cupcake instead of a full size cake.

@WilliamEhlhardt I just saw this option and don't understand what you mean. Can you please clarify?

ugh, my wording was bad. Read this as "Madge will make a single cupcake instead of a full size cake".

Thanks, edited!

bought Ṁ5 It will resemble a c... YES

Does the slash in options about resemblance/taste mean 'and' (intersection), 'or' (union), 'conditional on' etc?

@TheAllMemeingEye it means and, so it will resemble a cake AND taste good for example. I will change the labels when I get a sec. Which might be now

@Mad thanks :)

duNboughtṀ10Something will burn ... NO

Thank you for having faith in me! I am pretty clumsy and have been known to burn things. On the other hand, I don't generally burn things. On the gripping hand, what happens if I light incense while making the cake?

I am having an existential crisis. A cookie doesn't resemble a cake IMO but it does under my resembling a cake ruling in the description.

I guess I'm going to have to live with it because if I try to get subjective about how crunchy it is I am going to have ANOTHER existential crisis at judging, not to mention people already made bets with the clear relatively objective definition above.

filled a Ṁ1,000 @Mad will make it wi... YES at 95% order

I've made an item for me making the cake within a week of the poll closing which I'll only bet yes on

