Manifold makes a vegan cake: ingredients proportioned as below.
resolved Jul 4
Butter (vegan)
Vegan egg replacement (applesauce)
Milk (oat)
Baking powder
Vanilla extract

I will actually make the resulting cake at market close.

Note that my cake is slightly different from the tumblr cake because it will be vegan. I have chosen nearest vegan equivalents for the items in the list.

Further information:

Ingredients will be proportioned by weight and cooked to the best my ability. I do know how to bake pretty well.

Depending on the proportions of the final ingredients, I may choose to make a single cupcake.

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I am planning to make the cake in about 36 hours. I won't stream it but I will take photographs.

I think vanilla extract is an OK milk substitute, especially if you're making you own. Milk is mostly water anyway (+ some protein + some fat) .

So far it looks like it will be an boozy-vanilla-scone.

Looking forward to pictures!

I generated a random number in [0,1,2] and resolved to choose milk if 0 and flour otherwise. My reasoning was that those are the ingredients you need most of, and people are going to way over-vote on the smaller ingredients. My RNG determined that I should vote for flour.

I considered just voting for milk because I thought flour, as the #1 ingredient, might already be fairly represented by the "vote for the obvious thing" crowd, but I decided to go with the RNG. Turns out it would have been smart to vote for milk.

smart if you want a tasty cake. incomprehensibly foolish if you want memes.


If you voted vanilla extract, was it for the meme or because you want to see what it does to the resulting cake? Or are you galaxy brain and think literally nobody else voted for it?

Every time someone votes for something that will improve the recipe, I breathe a sigh of relief.

@Mad every time someone votes for vanilla extract I make my peace with this cake being made with vanilla extract instead of milk

Note I make my own extract out of brandy and vanilla beans so I predict this will end v badly unless I become an alcoholic very soon

@Laya thank you so much for voting for the milk

@Mad Flour fam

@benmanns power to the flour fam ๐Ÿ’ช

Just egg is a great egg replacement, even in baking

@21eleven just egg isn't available in Australia. I usually use ogran "no egg" in baking but it would be hard to add it by weight in a way that would be equivalent to chicken eggs, so I went with applesauce as I think it will have similar properties by weight.

Yes I do overthink everything! That's not at all typical of a manifold user, is it ๐Ÿ˜‚.

ChatGPT gave me the following ratio (of butter to sugar to etc):

0.5 1 0.25 2 1 0.03125 0.0208333

The sum of all these values equals 4.8020833.

Do as you wish with this information.

@AlaaRanga so what you're saying is we need to get 480 votes to have a chatgpt-approved cake recipe?

@Mad Why did you pick 480 votes? You could get 1sigfig accuracy with just 280 votes, you could also get less than 20% error for every ingredient with 200 votes (source: messed around on a google sheet) (this scenario isn't feasible though due to the current poll results).

@AlaaRanga This is why you have the google sheet and I have the cake pans! I'm intrigued to see what I get. I'm hoping that I somehow get something pleasantly edible, but the prediction market is not confident.

Note that any commentary on which ingredients are lacking / in excess risks directing poll results.

@Mad Can you scale down the vanilla extract votes by a factor of 5? Way too many of them. Do you even have enough vanilla?

@nathanwei I actually make my own so I have enough. Scaling is for cowards.

My plan is to do 1-10g of each ingredient per vote depending on the final number of votes, so it will be a small cake.

More than one person voted "vanilla extract" -> this thing is gonna be bitter as hell.

@K4IICHI I'm willing to make sacrifices for manifold ๐Ÿ˜‚

