Starting in 2019, an influx of funds from the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF), created as part of the 2017 transportation funding package, Keep Oregon Moving, funds new and expanded public transportation service, resulting in increased ridership throughout Oregon. In 2023, ODOT reported 23.7 trips / Oregonian and established a 2024 goal of 32 trips / Oregonian.
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Market Resolution
This is a prediction market. Market will close on September 30 and resolve in October after reports are submitted.
The market will resolve to the average number of transit rides per Oregonian as reported by ODOT, rounded to the nearest whole integer.
I do not bet in markets I create. In the event that I am unable or unavailable to resolve the market, the market may be resolved by Manifold Mods. Any changes to the market description will be noted in the change log.