Oregon Law requires that various departments and commission report on legislatively approved Key Performance Measures (KPMs). KPMs are reported every year on Oct 1 and use a tiered grading approach: green, yellow, and red. The last two KPMs are new to 2024.
Green: Target to -5%
Yellow: -5% to -15%
Red: Greater than -15%
[0] ORS 291.110
[1] 2024 ODOT KPMs
Related Markets
Market Resolution
This is a prediction market. Market closes on September 30 and will resolve in October when reports are submitted.
Each option will resolve based on how the KPM is scored.
If the KPM is scored Green, the option resolves YES
If the KPM is scored Yellow, the option resolves 50%
If the KPM is scored Red, the option resolves NO
I do not bet in markets I create. In the event that I am unable or unavailable to resolve the market, the market may be resolved by Manifold Mods. Any changes to the market description will be noted in the change log.