is a MSCHF game. On 2021-12-27, 7141 players each paid $10 into a central pot and have been required to check in at least once a day by midnight EST/EDT or else be eliminated. The last remaining player will win the pot. As of 2023-6-13, 422 players remain.
The market resolves to the choice whose date range includes the first day on which the living count is 400 or less, and resolves at 12:05 AM EST on that day or as soon as possible after that. It resolves to "August 1 2023 or later" on default market closure, which is August 1 2023 at 12:05 AM EST. It resolves to to N/A if the game is canceled for any reason.
@jeremiahsamroo I still put about a 7% chance of a day occuring where 3 players lose in a day. It's not usual, but it can happen.
@jeremiahsamroo I do wonder what causes players to drop out most.
Forgetting if done manually
Loss of power for player
Loss of ISP coverage (do most remaining players have access to more than one ISP each day?)
Unusual circumstances e.g. on remote holiday with no internet availability
Loss of power for script
Loss of Internet for script
Other script issue e.g. server maintenance/replacement takes longer than expected
@ChristopherRandles Those, and:
Just plain giving up
Being bought out by someone else
The bot they bought failing
Forgetting to check in again just past midnight, if they're on the "check in manually twice every two days" plan
@Lorxus 6 of 3 or more in last two months seems more like 7-10%
2 of 3 or more in last month seems more like 5-7%
1 of exactly 3 in last month may be 3-4%
@jeremiahsamroo I doubt we'll ever know why. I will say that there's at least a fair few people still explicitly refusing to script or even set alarms. I don't understand those people.
The population count thread, for counting population. Please do not reply to this comment. Please do like it, so that it will show up at the top of Best.
7/1 410
7/2 410
7/3 408
7/4 407
7/5 406
7/6 406
7/7 405
7/8 404 (ruling out option 1)
7/9 404
7/10 404
7/11 403
7/12 403
7/13 403
7/14 400 (resolves to option 2)
@Gabrielle I would argue that the rate has slowed down a little from 1 player lost per day, as more consistent players remain.
@Fedor There are I think two effects on the long term rate:
There are fewer players to forget to log in.
The players that have forgotten are the more likely one to forget so that the more consistent players remain as you said.
I think this means the rate will slow down more than an exponential trend.
However if Gabrielle is referring to a short term rate presumably 13 June to 23 June 10 players lost in 10 days, then
a) short term rates probably don't change very quickly. (So I think Fedor point has some but minor relevance.)
b) One single 10 day rate can be subject to a lot of sampling error, you probably want to look at lots of different 10 day periods and probably also some other length periods. (I think this is a more relevant point eg last 10 days only 4 players lost)
@ChristopherRandles Could well be so! I don't know what the future of Tontine holds, or I wouldn't be here doing this!