When will a team sweep IMO again?

China swept IMO 2022, with all 6 team members earning a perfect score of 42. If the next time all 6 members of a team get a perfect score on the IMO occurs in the year 2024+N, this market will resolve at 5N%. If this does not happen by IMO 2044, this market will resolve YES (100%).

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This only happened with USA 1994 and CHN 2022. The 1994 IMO was a trivial test. China did 2022 online, so some people speculated that they cheated. It was a relatively easy test, and the gold cutoff was 34, so it is very likely that they did not cheat. Still, taking it remotely probably helped them, because of familiarity with the testing environment and lack of jet lag.

In any case, because of base rates, I wouldn't expect this to happen very often. I think it's undervalued.