Next hype cycle after AI?
Sep 1
Crypto, again..
AI hype cycle continues to live on

The AI hype cycle is supposedly coming to it's end. Time to bet on what's coming next.

What else should I add?

Focusing on:

  • Longer-term trends (eg. superconductor was short term)

  • Software-based technologies

Ends 1 year from now (2024 September).

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It’s gotta be quantum computing or something like that, no?

does it need to happen by close? what if AI is still coughing up dying breaths but nothing has moved in?

@LeoSpitz What were the two previous ones? Asking for clarity.


That's as far as I can remember

For those clicking other, what do you expect next?

@LeoSpitz It's really hard to predict, since it's just a function of neurons in thousands of monkey brains firing together .. But they certainly cannot keep firing on about the same thing for long

Space is one possibility, could be spurred by the success of Starship, but I suspect it's more than one hype cycle away

I would put 1 mana on sex robots

In the hard-tech world, the space launch vehicle hype cycle is over because spacex killed all competitors, biotech hype is still going, and humanoid robots enabled by new AI robotics advances seems to be the new hotness.