Count in months starting July 1st 2024.
If >60 months, will resolve as 60.
Temporary replacement as acting prime minister (such as in the event of a medical procedure) doesn’t count, unless replacement is for more than one month.
Some notes:
28 months in is November 2026. If the current Knesset finishes its term, the next election will be near the end of October 2026, and the new PM (if Netanyahu loses) will likely take office in early November.
There are typically roughly 3-4 months between the announcement of new elections and the election date.
As of now (August 7, 2024), the coalition parties are polling at a substantial disadvantage.
The Knesset has completed its term six times out of 24. None of them were under Netanyahu, and none of them were since 1988.
Netanyahu is 74 years old. At the end of 60 months, he would be 79, which would make him the oldest PM in Israel's history.
@UnspecifiedPerson I believe you have a mistake. If the current Knesset will finish its term, the elections will take place on October 27th, 2026.