Resolves Win, Place, Show after the season locks in:
1st (Win) 60%
2nd (Place) 30%
3rd (Show) 10%
Did you know you can donate your mana to charity at a ratio of Ṁ100 : $1?
Did you know that Manifold is considering imposing a mana fee on these donations?
I understand that Manifold wants to make the program more sustainable, but it sounds to me like this is a good time to donate some of your mana!
This question resolves to the users who donates the most mana to charity within season 4 of Leagues, using the Win/Place/Show scoring system listed above.
Answers should be submitted in the form a display name and username, duplicate answers will not be selected. Bots are not eligible, and if someone changes names after being submitted their new name will still be considered a duplicate.
EDIT: After some discussion in the comments, Marshall Polaris' donation will count as a fixed 20,000 mana for the purposes of this market, and all other donations from any manifold staff will not be included. Note that @NinthCause and other alts of the staff are also not valid answers.
To be eligible for winning, proof of a user's mana donations must be posted to a top-level comment on this market. Please edit top level comments when new donations are made, including screenshots of the donations from the list on each charity page.
Proof of donations must be posted by market close to count. This market is set to close at the end of September 2nd, but note that Season 4 of Leagues will end randomly before that. Only donations made before Season 4 locks in will count for this question.
May the best donors win!
Edit 8/13: After some discussion in the comments below, MQP's donation total will be set at 20,000 mana for the purposes of this market, which is the amount of profit that they had before donating. No other manifold staff will count for this market, due to the policy by which they recieve mana for free. Kudos for donating regardless!
Also, I've been thinking a better version of this market might exist where it ends on some random day of the League season, and then counts only profits up until that point to incentivize donating sooner than later.
I've also thought that Bounty market could be a good way to incentivize charity, as it could serve as a leaderboard of who's ahead for the month.
Does anyone have any other thoughts on optimizing charity incentives?
As far as I know, only Austin has that arrangement? Mqp is listed a contractor on their finances page with a weekly rate. It's also notable that he has 20,000 mana of profit, so the 32,000 he donated being his own mana seems like it could reasonably all have been earned through his own activity.
Looking around at some other employee pages, I can see that many clearly have much more mana than their profit so maybe I should have been more broad in excluding them.
Perhaps it would be reasonable to cap the max their contributions can count at their amount of profit? So if someone donates more than 20,000, they outscore mqp? Not making that ruling now, but putting it up for discussion.
@Joshua I thought a number of employees got 1MM mana a month as part of their compensation, as opposed to @Austin taking his full salary in mana?
Not sure what is right for this market, but allowing staff who receive mana as compensation will likely turn this into a contest among staff. Not sure that is as interesting a market.
@Joshua Still a massive "advantage" for staff who receive mana, as donating 100 pct of profits in a month is otherwise hard without massive liquidation.
If doing this from scratch, I'd eliminate full blue checkmarks entirely for ease of administration, but you have to consider the expectations of other market participants who may have bet in the past. As for me, I have only a de minimis investment and defer to everyone else. My main interest is in having a clear rule.
Okay looked into it, and yeah all manifold employees get 1 million mana per year so I'm going to edit the description to exclude them in general, but allowing MQP's donation to count as M20,000.
As of right now, the highest donor I could find was @Jason, who gave 2000 Mana to Givewell 3 days ago:
Edit 8/15: Now at 5000 mana!
@Joshua Am currently now at 5K, although someone not on mobile would need to post an image to comply with rules