Happy Petrov Day! Commit to doing something depending on whether the button is pressed!
No bounty left



This is a bounty for Petrov day! In order to recieve the bounty, you must post a comment here saying what you will do if the button is pressed/not pressed.

For example: I commit that if the button is not pressed I will donate 500 mana to Givewell. If the button is pressed, I will instead send that 500 mana to @levifinkelstein.

I will award the bounty to comments that I think are entertaining incentives for us all to not push the button. Bounties will not be awarded to anyone who vows to break any laws or site rules if the button is pressed.

Bounty amounts will be arbitrary to how entertaining I find the comments, and anyone who wants to further incentivize good incentives is welcome to contribute to the bounty.

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If the button is not pressed, I will donate 1000 mana to GiveWell. If the button is pressed, I will still donate 1000 mana to GiveWell, but I will also throw a recyclable in the garbage😈.


If the button is not pressed, I will devote an hour towards applying to effective altruism-type jobs and half hour to reading the Sequences. If the button is pressed, I will devote half an hour to scrolling through the EA memes Facebook group and an hour to painting a landscape.


Another, for kicks: If the button is not pressed, I will clean my room. If the button is pressed, I will make one mildly annoying comment targeted at each person who voted on the “What percent…” Petrov question, and tag them.

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