AI Anon Twitter Account Stonks
𝔊𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔫 - @gwern
Jimmy Apples - 🍎/acc - @apples_jimmy
Roon - @tszzl
j⧉nus - @repligate
AI Notkilleveryoneism Memes -⏸️ - @AISafetyMemes
Flowers from the future - 🌸/acc - @futuristflower

Buy Yes when someone is right, buy No when someone is wrong.

Stonks trade on sentiment and never resolve, unless an interesting way to make stonks resolve is invented (unlikely).

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But I hate Twitter 😭 do I really need to join to understand what’s going on?!

You could preserve your sanity and just not bet on OpenAI stuff.

bought Ṁ8 of 𝔊𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔫 - @gwern YES

@Joshua Those markets are the ones that have professional consequences for me tho 😩 and this site is largely the way I get my news on all of that “dark media” discussion without actually participating in it lol.

Getting your news from market prices is valid! I do that all the time when I'm not the one who is setting the market prices.

@Joshua @Ophiuchus the number of major world events that I’ve first learned of from Manifold is staggering.

I learned about the volcano before google was returning results on it lol. No idea where Domer caught that tidbit.

Was this intended to be dependent?

@CalebW Yeah that's how the staff have been doing their new stonks, like this one:

bought Ṁ5 of Jimmy Apples - 🍎/ac... YES

@CalebW Note that it's set to "creator only" for additions, rather than being free response. I wasn't planning on immediately adding any other accounts, though I'm open to suggestions.

bought Ṁ0 of Other YES

@Joshua @gwern and @repligate could be competitive with the current bunch I think

bought Ṁ10 of 𝔊𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔫 - @gwern YES


sold Ṁ3 of AI Notkilleveryoneis... YES

@Joshua Doesn't the market become mostly about how many accounts you'll add in the future?

@StevenK A reasonable concern, but I don't want to make this a market that has all of TPOT in it so probably not many more additions. I considered Eigen but I don't think he's especially an "AI account", the spirit of the market is Roon/Jimmy/Flowers who regularly have insider info. So I only want to add more accounts like that.

bought Ṁ2 of Jimmy Apples - 🍎/ac... YES

Does Roon have an emoji? 👦 for Carlos maybe? Or 😏?

bought Ṁ10 of Roon - @tszzl YES

I for one welcome our tpot overlord
