Will milestones for $5million of XTX Markets AI-MO "Progress Prizes" be published by the end of February 2024?
resolved Mar 1

This market resolves to "YES" if the XTX Markets AI-MO Advisory Committee publishes the milestones and conditions for PROGRESS PRIZES that sum to at least $5M in AI-MO prizes by the end of February 29, 2024.

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  • XTX Markets is launching a new $10mn challenge fund, the Artificial Intelligence Mathematical Olympiad Prize (AI-MO Prize). The fund intends to spur the development of AI models that can reason mathematically, leading to the creation of a publicly-shared AI model capable of winning a gold medal in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).

  • The grand prize of $5mn will be awarded to the first publicly-shared AI model to enter an AI-MO approved competition and perform at a standard equivalent to a gold medal in the IMO.

  • There will also be a series of PROGRESS PRIZES, totalling up to $5mn, for publicly-shared AI models that achieve key milestones towards the grand prize.

  • The prizes will be designed by an AI-MO Advisory Committee, including mathematicians, deep learning experts and experienced Olympiad problem-setters.

  • The first AI-MO approved competitions will open to participants in early 2024. There will be a presentation of progress at the 65th IMO, which will be held in Bath, England in July 2024.

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r/AIMOprize•7 days ago

Progress prize (pre-) announcement



We are working hard on launching our first progress prize: a multiple choice Olympiad.

While the launch is a few weeks away we can now disclose some design choices and prize fund structure, to help teams begin preparing.
Total prize fund is $1,048,576.

All prizes will be awarded only to teams who make their code, training methodology, data and model parameters public. There will be specific guidance on this when the first progress prize is launched.

Competition will run for a maximum of 3 years, with intermediate prizes (places 1-5 would get $131072, $65536, $32768, $16384, $8192 correspondingly) awarded in July every year.


"Total prize fund is $1,048,576."