Will The One Ring be worth a million dollars?
resolved Aug 3

The MTG set The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth will be released on June 23rd. There's a promotional version of The One Ring card in a random collector booster pack, of which only a single one exists.


The highest price for a previous Magic card was $511,100. Some people think the One Ring will be the first Magic card worth a million.


Will it be reported to have sold or changed ownership in a way that values the card at a million dollars or more by the end of August?

Resolves N/A if there's no report that it has been found by then.

2 million dollar version

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predicted YES

Well it looks like they found it... I assume it is authentic if an authentication service was willing to rate it, however at 2 million dollars one might pour a lot of resources into forging a new ring and still make a profit.

@ShitakiIntaki Wizards confirmed it's the real one.

predicted NO

@ShitakiIntaki now they have about 2 months to sell it. I assume the smart move is to sell while it's hot.

@Odoacre For example, if Wizards announces next week that they have four similar promotions planned for the next 4 quarters, that might decrease the demand

predicted NO

@JimHays yes exactly. If it was me I'd sell asap

Shouldn't this already resolve YES given the public offers?

predicted NO


They might not sell it.

They might not find it.

They might donate it to a museum for free.

They might burn it and post the video on tick-tock.

@Odoacre None of those change the fact that someone has offered a million dollars for it.

A $1 bill doesn't stop being worth $1 just because I choose not to spend it.

predicted NO


Will it be reported to have sold or changed ownership in a way that values the card at a million dollars or more by the end of August?

Ah, my bad. Misleading title then.

@IsaacKing I’m requiring a transaction or exchange to act as a litmus test for the publicly stated offer being real. Someone could make a big offer for free publicity, then back out without purchasing, in which case it wasn’t actually worth what they claimed.

But you’re right that I could probably have written a more precise title

@JimHays Yeah that seems reasonable. (I can vouch for the first $1 million offer being legit BTW.)

@epicandSTEVIE Right on the money. We’ll see if it happens!

It's pricelessssssss, my precioussssss.

Resolves N/A if there's no report that it has been found by [the end of August 2023], however if the ring is found by, say, Sméagol and Sméagol is unwilling to part with it, then this market Resolves NO?

@ShitakiIntaki Correct. Even if someone says they would be willing to give Sméagol 100 million for it, or if Sméagol gets an independent evaluator to say the card is with 5 million, I’m only counting a valuation based on changing hands