Will @jojothebanker be creating markets regularly throughout 2023?
resolved May 23

Resolves NO if @jojothebanker doesn't create any markets in some 14-day period in 2023. Also resolves NO if the account is deleted or banned from creating markets.


Nov 28, 12:12am: Will @jojothebanker be creating markets throughout 2023? → Will @jojothebanker be creating markets regularly throughout 2023?

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admin resolved

@Yev @jojothebanker is banned on Manifold, this market should resolve as NO:
> resolves NO if the account is deleted or banned

These are some extremely forgiving criteria for NO. Taking a 2 week vacation and being active for the rest of the year is not what I would consider "not actively creating markets in 2023".

predicted NO

@IsaacKing Hmm, true. Would anyone object to changing it to 4 weeks?

predicted NO

@Yev I don't think that should count either. My interpretation of the title would be something like "hasn't posted markets for at least a month, and didn't start up again afterwards".

And I'm fine with such a change, but I'd ask that if it turns out that this resolves YES with the change but would have resolved NO without it, you tip me what I've already bet on NO.

predicted NO

@IsaacKing Is "hasn't posted markets for at least a month, and didn't start up again afterwards" the same as "hasn't posted any markets in December 2023"?

predicted NO

@Yev I guess so, yeah

predicted NO

@IsaacKing That'd be a really big change. I'd rather change the title. Any suggestions?

Will @jojothebanker be creating markets throughout 2023?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition