Bounty for reporting Manifold bugs
Ṁ95,701 / 106351
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Post a comment with a bug you came across and earn mana!

Anything that affects the user experience counts! Even poor design, missing functionality, or specific complaints can count as long as they are things we can fix.

Get M250 if you are first and it's something we want to fix. Get up to M5000 for finding an important bug! Being clear and concise in helping us reproduce the bug also can increase your bounty.

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@JamesGrugett error placing bets - sometimes it works after I re-input and try again, but I've tried this one a few times and it won't go through.


I was creating a market this morning using the android app. I filled in a bunch of details such as the market name and description and setting "How many answers will be chosen?" to 1. I then clicked back to my home tab on accident, but was able to recover the market description and stuff that I had written just by clicking the create-market button again. But crucially the "How many answers will be chosen?" setting reset back to the default, which then meant I accidentally created an unlinked market. I didn't realize my error until the market was created, but apparently nobody can fix this kind of error, even when nobody has yet placed a bet.

I think at the very least not saving the setting for "How many answers will be chosen?" should be seen as a bug. Being able to switch to being linked if nobody has yet placed a bet would also be nice.

TLDR: minor bug, had the option to click on the username of a deleted account in the search menu.

I was randomly trying to see if a famous competitive programmer benjamin qi had a manifold account (i noticed the name of another reputable competitive programmer on manifold, which was the motivation behind this, not stalking). He generally goes by the username "benq", so I searched that up on manifold on my phone (app) and clicked the username "benq" (image 1) only to be re-directed to this page (image 2):

I was able to reproduce this on my computer as well by typing in "benq", clicking on "benq", and being redirected to the same page.

I'm not sure if this is intentional, but if the user's account has been deleted shouldn't the option to click on his name not occur in the very first place? If this is intentional, my apologies for taking the time.

Once again, I'm not 10k in profit today.

My highest change today is 23 mana.

My alleged 10K mana profit in one day seems like a bug.

See the ginormous negative spent value

Also this visual bug is very much alive. (Firefox on android)

Random spikes on the profit graph. I don't have enough invested in a single market to have fluctuations like that:

Last one was positive and vanished from the graph with no trace hours later:

I had YES and bought NO and my YES position increased here:

slight overcalculation


I voted in a poll, it shows that I've voted there with the ⭐ (and I saw all of the votes before clicking away and returning later), but I'm not tallied in the count of respondents and it doesn't reflect my vote in the bars.

I think there's an overall caching issue lately, as Mod resolving also seems to take some time to reflect on the market, and I've edited comments that don't reflect the changes immediately (or I need to navigate away and return).

I'm taking a break from the Discord so I have to post here - maybe @Joshua or someone can crosspost if it's already there in the bug reports and this could be added to the list?


In notifications, Prize Points are shown as Mana

Seems like there's something off with this chart display.

edit: saw that it was already reported

Having some weird graph issues, it looks fine right after reloading the page but after a few seconds it redraws to this.

Extreme UI failure:

I was using Firefox on Linux Mint:

As you can see this is the market the AGI clock uses. I navigated there via the hyperlink above the countdown.

After loading the graph looked fine for a moment before switching to this.

It appears the starting index and the ending index for each line are one less and one greater than they should be, respectively.

I'll see if I can give more information tomorrow.