Will the 4D puzzle game Miegakure be available for purchase before Dec 31st, 2022?
resolved Jan 1
This market resolves YES if Miegakure is available for purchase before the end of the year. It has been in development since 2009. https://miegakure.com/ Jan 25, 7:07pm: The reason I set it so high is due to this Sept 2021 post: https://marctenbosch.com/news/2021/09/miegakure-update-september-2021/
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I think this can be resolved

predicted NO

Marc ten Bosch on his discord:

I think there is a quite high chance that the game will be done next year!

Also I should say that it is just a large project, and we are a small team, so that is what is taking time, not a "spiral of perfectionism."

Again, no obstacles. Some hard things to solve, but nothing bad.

predicted NO

Just joined the Miegakure Patreon.


predicted NO

@JamesGiammona damn I had so completely forgotten ever posting this bet -- I'm guessing you're saying there's an announcement in the Patreon post?

p.s. you're the Fermi Gym guy right? Can't believe I'm talking to a celebrity!

predicted YES

@UriBram Well, no announcement yet, but positive movement.
Yup, I'm the Fermi Gym guy! Thanks!
The Browser is pretty cool, too!

I've been looking forward to this game for 10+ years so I'm basically buying "No" as a hedge against another year of dissapointment....
Oh, I didn't realize this game was still in active development! Given that 10+ years have elapsed without this being published, I think 90% seems quite high; but I'd be very happy to be proven wrong here.