Will the 4D puzzle game Miegakure be available for purchase before Dec 31st, 2022?
resolved Jan 1
This market resolves YES if Miegakure is available for purchase before the end of the year. It has been in development since 2009. https://miegakure.com/ Jan 25, 7:07pm: The reason I set it so high is due to this Sept 2021 post: https://marctenbosch.com/news/2021/09/miegakure-update-september-2021/
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bought Ṁ1,000 of NO

I think this can be resolved

predicted NO

Marc ten Bosch on his discord:

I think there is a quite high chance that the game will be done next year!

Also I should say that it is just a large project, and we are a small team, so that is what is taking time, not a "spiral of perfectionism."

Again, no obstacles. Some hard things to solve, but nothing bad.

predicted NO
bought Ṁ151 of YES

Just joined the Miegakure Patreon.


predicted NO

@JamesGiammona damn I had so completely forgotten ever posting this bet -- I'm guessing you're saying there's an announcement in the Patreon post?

p.s. you're the Fermi Gym guy right? Can't believe I'm talking to a celebrity!

predicted YES

@UriBram Well, no announcement yet, but positive movement.
Yup, I'm the Fermi Gym guy! Thanks!
The Browser is pretty cool, too!

bought Ṁ100 of NO
I've been looking forward to this game for 10+ years so I'm basically buying "No" as a hedge against another year of dissapointment....
bought Ṁ10 of NO
Oh, I didn't realize this game was still in active development! Given that 10+ years have elapsed without this being published, I think 90% seems quite high; but I'd be very happy to be proven wrong here.