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# | Name | Total profit |
1 | Ṁ399 | |
2 | Ṁ254 | |
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4 | Ṁ111 | |
5 | Ṁ107 |
📢When this happens on my daily markets, I will usually wait until the next morning when ALL of the sites will synchronize the "Closing Price". I would than resolve based on that. There was so much price action surrounding the Press Event, it needs time to settle, the after hours trading right now is nuts.
⚠I Will UNRESOLVE, Keep Market Closed & Allow Creator ( @JakeJowita ) To Resolve Accordingly (To the matching numbers on December 1st when markets open and the true close price is reflected across all sites).
📢Creator Please Do Not Resolve Until You Are Truly Ready And Have All The Data You Need To
Assure Proper Resolution. Right Now It Seems Correct, But With The Nasdaq & Google Reporting The Same Number, IME, That Will Most Likely Be The Right Number, But We Wont Know Until EVERYONE Updates.
MarketWatch https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/tsla

CNBC https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/TSLA

Yahoo Finance https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/TSLA/

Barrons https://www.barrons.com/market-data/stocks/tsla

Nasdaq Official Website https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/tsla

Google Finance https://www.google.com/finance/quote/TSLA:NASDAQ

Nasdaq Has Updated:

This market more than likely has been resolved correct based on the proof provided and will not need Unresolved.
Google updates around 9am-930am ; however Nasdaq is the OFFICIAL number and 4 others report the same number as the updated Nasdaq number making 5/6 reporting $240.08 and Google still pending an update.
@SirCryptomind wild! Who knew the market closing price coukd be this much in doubt
Did some on-call guys at nasdaq have a super rough night? Were they doing a manual recount? Were some orders not tracked correctly? We'll likely never know but I'm pouring out a coffee for them
@Ernie Most likely (I haven't checked), there were a confluence of things with the Press Event not helping when Options were expiring and short sellers were getting their after close market orders filled as it dropped in price. This happened before with Tesla 2x this year when @EhMe11 ran them, but her question was a Yes or No, so easier to handle. It has also happened when the regular stock markets close near flat a few times (mostly UK & German Indexes/Markets not so much with US, besides the Russel 2000 since it always reports on a delay) and than it happened to the VIX earlier this week too (a market I run Daily).
What will Tesla be at the end of December
@JakeJowita let's wait a bit and see if sites can straighten out their numbers. I think there will soon be a clear final price. Admins can help reresolve if necessary
I'm seeing sub 240 on some sites, 240+ on Yahoo finance. Strange.
@thecusp Nasdaq also shows it was trading at 240.08 right until the bell.
It does look like Nasdaq counts that last trade at 16:00:02 as the "close" price, but other platforms may consider that as "after hours"
@thecusp did you bother clicking on my link?
16:00:02 - 239.79
16:00:00 - 240.08
Which one is considered "at close"?
@e_gle $239.79 is the close price. Look at any other stock. The final trade gets booked at 16:00:02. For example, look at AAPL:
@thecusp thanks, that's another good example where multiple platforms can report different numbers.
For the record, I agree close price should be take from the listing exchange, which means your Nasdaq number of 239.79 is correct.