I will submit a PR to Manifold before June
resolved Jun 1
I've been meaning to, and I've looked around the codebase a bit to answer some of my questions about how the site works, but haven't gotten around to actually making a change yet. #Personal #Commitments
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Got this in just in time! It took some battling env dependencies to get node/yarn/etc working, but now I at least have the basic dev env working.
bought Ṁ1 of NO
Hedging with my very last dollar! Any sense of what you'd like to submit a PR on?
@Austin What is a PR?
predicted YES
@Austin I was going to add charities to https://manifold.markets/charity (assuming that's still useful) @BTE It stands for Pull Request, means contributing a change to the Manifold code.
predicted NO
@Jack2 Yup, still useful! That's great low-hanging fruit~