Will any user with a "Trustworthy. Ish." badge resolve a market incorrectly by the end of 2023?
resolved Mar 30

The market resolution must occur while they have the badge.

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bought Ṁ80,000 of YES

A similar market that is now the more relevant one now that we can re-resolve accidents.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@IsaacKing does the mark market count?

bought Ṁ500 of YES

@firstuserhere yes it does as it was re resolved by admins

predicted YES

@IsaacKing no objections from anyone on either set of markets abt it classified as incorrect resolution, so resolve please?

predicted YES

@pakoito The market closed as NO but the dataset updated and it was supposed to be a YES. The creator has acknowledged it.

@pakoito it was not resolved incorrectly (when it was resolved with the available data at the time of resolvenment)

@pakoito yeah I don't think that it was resolved incorrectly, I only would have made it explicit in the description that it was going to be resolved with the first available data even if it changed afterwards. The resolution criteria was also implied in comment, but I acknowledge that I should have edit the description to add that information for better visibility

predicted YES
predicted YES


bought Ṁ242 of YES

I resolved these markets incorrectly. Did I have the badge at the time? I don't remember.


predicted YES

@Austin Do you remember when you gave out the badges?

predicted YES

@Austin Thanks. Looks like that was December 7th, and my incorrect resolution occurred on November 25th, so this market doesn't resolve yet.

Does Manifold team count?

@BTE If they have the badge, yes. The Manifold team badge doesn't count.

predicted YES

@jack Oh I forgot I made that one. It's mostly the same, they might differ if a different type of verification badge is introduced.

bought Ṁ50 of YES

I wouldn't be too surprised if it's already happened by accident.

This is for sure going to happen. But I am not going to bet to avoid the temptation...

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