resolved Dec 27

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predicted YES

@Yev Please substantiate your claims with proof that I am not an expert in LONGVOL trauche corrections

@IsaacKing The burden of proof is on you. The base rate of being an expert in major derivative mark-to-market LONGVOL trauche corrections is one in several billion, so those are my priors.

You can create, trade in, and resolve your own market and turn a profit?

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

@MattCWilson The "profit" is just the liquidity it cost to make the market. It's not creating free mana or anything.

@IsaacKing But it's counted in places like the leaderboard, right?

@StevenK Yes. But it's only 47 cents, so who cares

predicted YES

@MattCWilson Why shouldn't I profit for correctly predicting my own expertise? :)

@IsaacKing Same reason Pete Rose isn’t in the Baseball Hall of Fame? 😄