I'm auctioning away M$1000. Will the highest bid be at least M$500?
resolved Jan 29

I am running an auction. To the winner, I will send a manalink for M$1000. The starting bid is just M$1.

You bid by sending me a manalink equal to the value of your bid. You can do this on Discord (IsaacKing#7376) or via email (is.aack@yahoo.com). Once I claim your manalink, your bid is confirmed. (Later bids sum with earlier ones, so your bid is the total value of mana you've sent me.)

I will update this description with each new highest bid as I receive it. If anyone accidentally sends me a manalink that is too low to be a valid bid, I will not claim it. If multiple people try to bid the same amount at almost the same time, I'll try to claim the one that was sent first.

For example, Alice sends me a manalink for M$1. Alice has the highest bid. Bob then sends me a manalink for M$2, and Bob has the highest bid. Alice then sends me a manalink for M$2, making her total bid M$3. If no one outbids Alice by market close, I will send her M$1000, and she turns an overall profit of M$997.

To prevent last-minute sniping, the auction won't end until 24 hours after the most recent bid. (I'll reopen the market as necessary.)

This market resolves based on the value of the winning bid.

Current high bid is M$1001 by @DesTiny.

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predicted YES
bought Ṁ500 of YES
predicted YES

@ZZZZZZ To win back the mana lost on this market

bought Ṁ0 of YES

(This market is now guaranteed to resolve YES, but I'll leave it open until the auction ends.)

@DesTiny Has placed a bid of M$1001, making them the new high bidder.

(Also to be clear, I won't bid myself. It's generally understood in the world of auctions that people auctioning an item aren't allowed to bid up their own item, and I'd apply that norm here as well.)

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@ZZZZZZ has placed the first bid for M$1000.

bought Ṁ25 of YES

Let's say x bids Ṁ100, but then y bids Ṁ150, can x bid another Ṁ100 to make it Ṁ200?

bought Ṁ20 of NO

@DesTiny Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that bids are cumulative, so that's fine. Just edited the description.

bought Ṁ65 of YES

@IsaacKing also do you get your money back if lose the bid or are you also expected to make a profit?

bought Ṁ15 of NO

@DesTiny Bids are final, there are no refunds. (Unless I accidentally accept an invalid bid.)

predicted YES

@IsaacKing oh I see, so hypothetically there could be a situation where people are bidding over Ṁ1000 to not lose they amount they bid

predicted YES

@DesTiny isn't there a paradox or something about this

hmmm, what if I send a manalink a second before market close, but you do not claim it until market closes?

bought Ṁ40 of NO

@XComhghall That bid wasn't confirmed, so it couldn't win, so it doesn't count towards market resolution.

Also, I just realized I forgot to include antisnipe rules, I'm going to make that edit now. I doubt the lack of that rule affected anyone's bets, but if it did, let me know.