Do high levels of carbon dioxide have significant negative impacts on cognition?

"Significant" is subjective here, but it needs to be a large enough effect that something like opening a window or otherwise increasing air flow could have a notable impact on one's productivity.

I'm talking about "normal" concentrations. Obviously if you put someone in an atmosphere of 100% CO2, that will have a negative effect.

Resolves once there's a well-established scientific consensus.

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What if high CO2 levels are an accurate proxy for some other cognition-damaging property of the air, but the CO2 levels in particular don't damage cognition

@NoaNabeshima That don't count, needs to actually be the CO2.

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Would >2000 CO2 ppm count? or is this mostly about <2000 ppm?

@NoaNabeshima Resolves subjectively based on whether it seems like a realistic concern. >2000 levels are relatively common in buildings, so I'd say that counts.

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