Code golf: Will someone post <=68 characters of Javascript code that I can use to resolve this market to YES?
resolved Mar 30

Sequel to /IsaacKing/code-golf-will-someone-post-70-char

Post Javascript code in the market comments. I will run each piece of code that's 68 characters or less and doesn't use fetch() or another way of bringing in external code in my JS console on this page. (Including from comments.) If this results in this market resolving to YES, so be it. If the market is still unresolved by the close date, it resolves to NO.

If I suspect that your code will do something that I do not want it to do, such as resolve this market to NO or send you all of my mana, I will not run it. (And if that fails, I reserve the right to resolve this market N/A.)

As a change from previous markets, I am now in full cooperation with the golfers in attempting to resolve this market YES. I will provide any relevant information they ask for, such as my browser environment and any error messages or other results of running a certain code snippet. And I will no longer try to foil their plans, such as by resizing the window to change the page layout. (I do however reserve the right to refuse certain requests, such as a request to buy or sell shares in order to change what buttons exist.)

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predicted YES

Alright, that was too easy. I should have checked what shorter classes there were shared among all the relevant buttons. I've done that now and I think this one's actually a challenge:

predicted YES
  1. i=0;setInterval(b=>b(".font-md").at(-[4,6,2,1][i++]).click(),9,$$)

predicted YES

@levifinkelstein I tested this as well and it worked for me

predicted YES

@levifinkelstein How many characters is this?

predicted YES

@A 66

predicted YES


you can do this in console to quickly check

bought Ṁ500 of YES


reload page before running

predicted YES

@levifinkelstein hmm I probably should've asked what browser you're using

predicted YES
predicted YES

@IsaacKing did you try the code?

predicted YES

@levifinkelstein Not yet. Why do I need to reload the page before running it?

predicted YES

@IsaacKing to reset anything you've done like expand a panel

predicted YES

@levifinkelstein I don't think this is going to work. $$(".font-md").at(3) is the "show less" button.

predicted YES

@IsaacKing I tested it on a duplicate of this market and it worked, but maybe something is different for you

predicted YES

@levifinkelstein Did your test market have a description long enough to necessitate a "show less" button?

predicted YES
predicted YES

@IsaacKing what are your 4 first buttons then?

predicted YES

@levifinkelstein I just ran the code twice, once with the description expanded and once with it minimized. Both times the code didn't resolve the market and instead took me to the market creation page.

predicted YES

@levifinkelstein I don't want to fully join the golfing team and spend a lot of time on this, but if you give me a code snippet to list all my buttons, I'll run it and post the result.

predicted YES

@levifinkelstein Possibly the fact that nobody bet in your test market is the problem? Since it means the positions and traders tabs don't exist.

predicted YES

@IsaacKing good point

bought Ṁ10 of NO

What happens if you run the code and it resolves the market to NO?

bought Ṁ25 of YES

@levifinkelstein I'll try to avoid that by checking the code in advance, but if it happens, I'd probably just ask the Manifold admins to reopen the market? (If they're willing to do that for such a silly reason.)