At the end of 2023, will I still be happier spending time online on Manifold than with the Magic community?
resolved Jan 2

My "real life" community is not a very pleasant one to interact with, and tends to be emotionally damaging for me.

I started using Manifold as an escape from that sort of toxicity, and it's been a much nicer place to spend time and engage in discussion with people. Manifolders genuinely seem like they want to figure out what's true and care about what I have to say, and it's been a rewarding experience.

Recently I did a bad job handling the resolution criteria of one of my markets, and a number of Manifold users have used this as an opportunity to attack and insult me, try to discredit me across the entire site, start flame wars and derail discussions I'm in, and generally seem to be intentionally trying to cause me distress. As a result, Manifold has been more stressful for me lately, and I've started having a bit of an ugh field around checking it.

It remains to be seen whether this dies down after this market is over, or gets worse as more people with a lack of maturity/intellectual honesty join the platform. Either seems plausible.

(Also possible that something changes in the Magic community, but that's less new so seems less llikely for there to be large changes in such a short timespan.)

This market only counts online interactions, not in-person ones. (My meatspace interactions with the MTG community are much more positive, since the loudest trolls online tend to not get accepted to work Magic events, and when they do they act nicer.)

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Please stay! I like you! ๐Ÿ˜Š

bought แน€540 of NO

After seeing how many people on Manifold want me to lose huge amounts of money out of pure schadenfreude, and are putting in hours of their own time just to hurt me out of spite, I'm starting to think this is not a place I want to spend time.

@IsaacKing I think a lot of people are seeing it as fun because you are making yourself into a villain of sorts and so it's very appealing to other users to join the team to fight you. I doubt all but maybe 1 or 2 individuals have it out for you personally.

Also some people think you are mega rich so think getting u to spend more money just = more money for Manifold which they consider good.

@DavidChee with regards to inflammatory comments going around against you theres toomuch to keep track of rn. But if you have ideas of what user moderation/blocking/muting tools would be helpful I'd be curious to know. (Probably wouldnt implement anythingfor a while tho tbh)

@IsaacKing I'm not trying to hurt you out of spite, I promise :)

@levifinkelstein You shouldn't be ironic about things like this. Isaac could actually hurt himself.

@IsaacKing It's not ironic

predicted NO

@DavidChee It's about half and half. The most frequent Manifold users like Levi are doing it in good fun, but many of the others are completely serious.

bought แน€30 of YES

I'm happy to take a loss on this one but unless you're making active plans to improve your interaction with the MTG community (i.e. moving to kitchen table or garage hosted casual play sessions with people screened for niceness) my experience is shop or tournament based MTG culture only shifts positively very slowly and hence Manifold is more likely to win out

@PipFoweraker My interaction with the MTR is primarily in the judge subculture, which is a bit different from normal Magic players. They're toxic in their own, different ways. :)

predicted YES

@IsaacKing Haha well, my experience doesn't gel wit that! I was a judge for a decade before switching to tournament coverage, but maybe I was blessed by mainly interacting with APAC judges and operating mostly at the pro level where the toxic folk had probably been weeded out.

@PipFoweraker Oh wow! Nice to see another tournament official on here. :)

Have some love, in the form of a comment. No predictive value

bought แน€4 of YES

Another possibility: as Manifold grows, it because easier to interact only with sub-communities. In which case the sub-community around you would consist of people who like you and you like. Most sites that have serious growth do something like this, right?

@ScottLawrence that is correct.

bought แน€3 of YES

I'm not saying this applies to you at all, but one quote i like for introspection is something like

If you smell shit everywhere you go, you should start looking under your own shoes.

We may change shit to unpleasant behaviour, or to sadness, or loneliness, or failed relationships, etc. It's been a nice compass.