Resolves YES/NO if there is conclusive evidence and community consensus that IS/IS NOT Elon Musk.
Resolves N/A if the deadline is reached and the answer is still uncertain.
Related questions
Dittman was discussing the inner workings of SpaceX with Alex Jones the other day! If he's some rando on Twitter who 'just happens to sound like Elon Musk' how does he know so much about detailed discussions with the engineers 🤔
It's the John Barron thing all over again, a narcissist who really has gone full Emperors new clothes.
agreed. i don't think he's a rando. another possibility is Elon could now be hiring this guy to police twitter; to voice changer + speak and act like him + tend to “free speech” by talking to controversial x users (to either intimidate acting as Elon or hear them out) + help support all of Elon's endeavors.
Yeah, real “Adrian” could be a supergenius faking all that for clout but he seems to know a lot about x algorithm and other things only a friend, employee, or Elon himself could know.
Listening to a podcast thing on twitter; I would be very disappointed if this guy was in fact Elon Musk. Never meet
your heroes I guess. Making a small bet to keep track
he took the image from someone else
@jacksonpolack I saw that, it's just the wording of the message that struck me as really odd. "We appreciate you daily." If he's some random bloke, why is he writing he writing a birthday message like he knows her personally?
@houstonEuler at this point, making people think he's elon is like, his whole thing. My current take is, he's basically just going along with the joke and/or trying to feed conspiracy theorists like us ;)
dittmann somehow got the scoop on an upcoming twitter feature?
it certainly wouldn't be his first alt account (2023)