Will Greta Gerwig's Barbie be rated at least 7.0 in IMDB at the end of 2023?
resolved Jan 1

Closes by the end of 2023 at Yes if Barbie is rated 7.0 or above, and at No if not

IMDB page: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1517268

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predicted NO

6.9 currently

predicted YES


predicted NO

Misogyny has prevailed :')

bought αΉ€100 of NO

it’s under

Monty Python Reaction GIF
predicted YES

@mattyb πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

bought αΉ€100 of NO

@HenriThunberg if i were in your shoes, i’d double down at a tiny %. Assuming we just erased all your profits

predicted NO

@HenriThunberg too late lol

sold αΉ€71 of YES

@mattyb 8% feels about right, maybe closer to 5% but I definitely have some bias left 🫨

predicted YES

Out of 425k votes... maybe 100 Manifold users paid 10 mana bounty each could swing it back on 31st 🫠

predicted NO


not all votes have the same impact (or 'weight') on the final rating.Β 

IMDb vote tallying is not 1:1, I think they try to detect 1 / 10star reviews, and void them. So you would need to be sneaky here to avoid detection (I know you were kidding ftr)

predicted YES

@mattyb tsss, I've planned this for years with plant voters πŸ€™ Push it down to 5% please so we can make our strike.

predicted NO

@HenriThunberg i’m so liquidity poor

😭 I don’t want to sell more to buy here - I’m holding 1k for another few bets.

@Panfilo yours to buy, if you want it.

predicted NO

@mattyb I need much bigger margins than this due to a certain market about a certain beseiged political party.

@Panfilo is it bad that i had your immediate context on the other market? Throw it on evergrowing pile of evidence that I’m on this app way too much

bought αΉ€11 of YES

Do people here not like the film or is there any reason to believe, the rating will drop further? 7 is already pretty bad, considering that the Metacritic an RottenTomatoes Scores are much better. The film has a conspicuously high number of 1-star ratings. Is this for political reasons? Barbie is clearly a feminist film. The brand itself is also very polarising, especially for men who still have a certain schoolyard mentality and find everything girly stupid.

To be honest, this shows me that IMDb ratings are useless. Too much review bombing and the demographics of the site affect the ratings too much. The film even comments on this at one point, in a scene that points out why many men are convinced that "The Godfather" is the best film of all time.

predicted YES

@redcat there's a downward trend over time that I think goes past the main cinema audience (I could be wrong about this).

My theory for that would be that people who are curious, but not that interested, would see it at home rather than in cinemas and rate it lower.

Seems like that effect wouldn't be gigantic though, and the effect you talk about would move on to other political targets. What I'm most worried about now is that I don't know how close the 7.0 situation is, maybe it just takes a few of those votes to push it over the edge.