Will Twitter suffer a major outage before the end of Jan 2023?
resolved Dec 29

Resolves Yes if there's more than 1 hour of a major outage (Twitter's webiste has to be down and users unable to Tweet for that to be considered an outage.)

Otherwise resolves NO.

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predicted YES
bought Ṁ14 of YES

I can't log in either now, and the disruption has been going on for more than an hour. I think this can safely resolve YES.

bought Ṁ101 of YES

@IsaacKing I'm now back in but it was 2-3 hours full of

It finally decided it could send out text messages for 2 factor auth, so it seems like their issue may have had something to do with that?

bought Ṁ25 of NO

Works fine for me

bought Ṁ260 of YES

@IsaacKing It mostly looks like folks who logged off and can't log back in or whom were forcibly logged off by some dialog popping up saying an error has occurred and to please log back out and back in.

bought Ṁ68 of YES

Given the current spike, it looks like I'm not the only one who can't log in for the last hour or so!