Will France vote a pension reform extending the retirement age to 64+ years?
resolved Apr 15

France is currently debating a big pension reform ("réforme des retraites").

One of the most controversial topics debated is extending the retirement age needed to benefit full pension rights from 62 years to 64+ years (up to 67 in some cases in the initial government proposal).

The local public opinion is generally against it, with various polls estimating ~70% opposition.

The protests that took place on March 7th were described as the largest since 1995, when a previous pension reform was attempted, then dropped in the face of those country-wide large strikes.

The Senate is now debating the text, and has triggered a special process to fast-track debates into a sped-up vote by Sunday. After that, both parliamentary houses will have to take a definitive vote on the reform later this month.

This market resolves as YES if the final law that passes after deliberation by Assembly & Senate (and/or potential Article 49 usage) includes a retirement age >= 64 years.

Market resolution is expected before May 1st; will extend in the unlikely case the debates takes even longer.

Some background info:

(Image credit: Jeanne Menjoulet)

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predicted YES

The law has been promulgated* following the approval of its bulk by the Conseil d'État.

*: see Journal Officiel - JORF n°0089 du 15 avril 2023: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/texte_jo/JORFTEXT000047445077

If the law passes through a call the article 49.3 of the French constitution, and thus, not voted by the Assembly, will you answer YES or NO to this question?

predicted YES

@Fohai good call, this is maybe ambiguous in the initial market phrasing - updated to clarify that such a case won't be N/A but rather YES, as the final law that is promulgated would contain that updated retirement age, which is the main result I meant to predict here.

predicted YES

Can you add the France tag to this market ?

I created a market with a longer timeline because I think the government can give up after the vote : https://manifold.markets/DenisBaudouin/will-the-french-retirement-age-be-6

predicted YES

@DenisBaudouin thanks, that's indeed a possibility I'd love to differentiate predictions on.