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The CFPB is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. A ruling in favor of the CFPB would be a significant victory for consumer protection and could have a lasting impact on the financial services industry, but may speak more broadly to congressional oversight and the independence of such organizations.
@mods The can resolve YES; the court ruled in favor of the CFPB on May 16.
Decision: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-448_o7jp.pdf
Scotusblog summary: https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/consumer-financial-protection-bureau-v-community-financial-services-association-of-america-limited/
Ballotpedia summary: https://ballotpedia.org/Consumer_Financial_Protection_Bureau_v._Community_Financial_Services_Association_of_America,_Limited
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