Will Biden sign an executive order primarily focused on AI through Oct 2023?
resolved Oct 30

Shorter term version of /SG/will-biden-sign-an-executive-order

Resolution follows the parent

This is only covering the time from now until end of October.

Version for november: /StrayClimb/will-biden-sign-an-executive-order-8923eba995e9

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This thing has a lot in it! Is there anything we can bet on? I'm making a bounty to incentivize people to make markets about the order!

predicted YES
predicted YES

Will resolve YES based on upstream resolution

bought αΉ€30 of NO

Surely they won't sign on the same day as they announce, right?

predicted NO

@Haws I think they will, since they have already "announced" the AI executive order, so this seems like the announcement of the signing. I expect the publication of a webpage like this on whitehouse.gov.

bought αΉ€200 of YES

Axios: Scoopβ€” AI executive order expected Monday
The White House on Monday will host an event on "safe, secure and trustworthy artificial intelligence," per an invitation obtained by Axios.

What's happening: Officials are expected to announce the AI executive order during the event, scheduled for 2:30pm ET, multiple sources told Axios.

bought αΉ€20 of NO

@mvdm Are executive orders usually signed at the same time they are "announced" in this sense?

predicted NO

(My guess is "yes," because the AI executive order has already been "announced," but I don't usually follow these things live.)

@Jacy In general I'm following SG's original market. Will ask over there.

predicted NO

The implied odds of more than one order being signed or an order being signed in December are wild.

Friday’s meeting at White House is probably when this will be released.

bought αΉ€200 of YES

The EO is expected to come out later this month.