There will be at least one region which limits suffrage only to those with children through 2024

A country, region, province, nation, etc whose political system for voting limits rights such that you need to have (or have had) children to vote.

If country, any size. If other type of division, if at least 100k people, it counts.

If it is a non-country division, it must be well-divided. I.e. within that region, it should be clear that the rule applies for a given election or role.

Edit: new interpretation details, same day claim was created: within the region it doesn't have to be for every election. Just one is enough. For example if say in one polish state the election for school manager can only be voted in by people who have children.

If the limitation to such people is just a consequence, it doesn't count. It has to be a clear intentional limit in those terms

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