Gukesh vs Ding - Rosen score - what will happen? Weird promotions, pawn cube, castle mate? Code on github! Adding new!
resolved Jan 1
"Chess speaks for itself" said by any player or commentator in an official interview or broadcast
Board Tilt - any half of the board has at least 10 pieces while the other half is empty. h/v only, no diagonal
Game where there are 7 or more pieces and all pieces are on the same color square
There will be a 3x3 square full of pieces
One side has 4 or more pawns than the other in a game
If game were immediately switched to "self-capture chess", one side would have mate in 1
2 knights on the rim (of any color) at the same time
A King reaches the opponents home edge
Both kings are on the wrong side of the board (the half they didn't start in)
The first piece to capture anything in a game is a queen
Same piece moves eight times in a row for one side
A bishop moves seven or more squares at once
Double check
7% for each draw
10% for each nonpawn which never moves in a game
10% for every piece which ends a game in its starting square after having moved, over all games
3% for every knight move that's more vertical, -4% for every one that's more horizontal
10% for each point of material advantage in any game's final position
5% for every pawn who jumps two steps in his first move, -5% for every pawn who takes one step or captures in his first move
At any point in a game, 2 bishops and 0 knights on one side oppose 2 knights and 0 bishops. There can be other pieces.

Will the things listed show up in any of the 14 games, excluding tiebreaks, in the World Chess Championship 2024, which starts sometime after the candidates tournament ends in April 24, 2024

The match will be held between Ding Liren and whoever wins the Candidates Tournament 2024


  • Pawns "die" when promoting

  • By "points" I mean the traditional (~inaccurate) point heuristic: 1 point per pawn, 3 points per bishop or knight, 5 for a rook, 9 for a queen. Because of complexity, I do not currently use anything related to engine's "points of advantage estimation" in this market.

  • Only the 1st 14 (or fewer) games, to make it easier to estimate. I wish we were guaranteed 14 total games; I'd rather run the risk of it ending early than prepare to do some difficult interpolation, so we'll just use as many of the nor Al 14 games as they actually play.

  • For the same reason we do not count tiebreak games. That would distort estimation too much until the exact time.

  • "Piece" means any chess piece. I don't use the meaning "a knight or a bishop" here, for simplicity

  • bishop "undoing" moves requires the initial move to not capture a piece; if we allow that, then it's not really an undo. undo means move from A to B, other player does something, then that same bishop moves back to A.

  • Knights on the rim means a knight on the a or h file.

  • I know it's very annoying, but if they shake hands on a draw 1 move before an official stalemate happens, that means the stalemate didn't happen. I wish we could resolve this "ends early" ambiguity but I don't see a way now. Open to suggestions.

  • "self-capture chess" aka "capture anything". Note that if the game mode switches, the defender can also capture anything to get out of check. So be careful when evaluating this.

  • A full rank has been changed to "A full rank (ranks 3-6 only)" because I couldn't think of a way to clearly distinguish meaningfully full ranks of the first and last two ranks. Even if I require a mix of your own or the other's pieces, it's not clear where it becomes interesting.


Whoever gets the most "first direction of bets" right, where they also made their first bet before the first game started, will win the official Manifold Markets Ernie Chess 2024 MegaMarket brilliancy prize. Regardless of bet size this is just if your initial direction was towards the final price in an option. Later selling is irrelevant. So yet your bets in before the match starts! You have to submit your own scores for this since the UI doesn't make it that easy to run myself

  • Update 2024-12-12 (PST): The final score will be calculated as 10% of the maximum material advantage seen in any final position across all games, not the sum of material advantages. (AI summary of creator comment)

  • Update 2024-13-12 (PST): For social distancing, the orthogonal distance refers to the manhattan distance between pieces. (AI summary of creator comment)

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  1. if you claim "chess speaks for itself" was said, please provide links otherwise I'll resolve NO at EOY

  2. I am not sure all the evaluators are correct - they were mostly written by o1. The code is updated here:

  3. and I also ran them agains a set of ~2000 earlier ding games to test them. You can see that many of them which didn't come true in the championships this year did hit there. Here's a google docs link to the output log of that run with ascii board diagrams.

  4. I can reresolve things if you provide clear links. Ideally it'd be a link to a lichess board of one of the games, at the specific position you want me to pay attention to! Thanks

@Ernie Thanks for a fun market. I don't think you need to wait that long for that single option, a week should be fine.

Knights 3% for vertical, -4% horizontal totaled -3%, so we resolve 0%.

Social distancing:

Was this so low because the definition of "orthogonal distance" wasn't clear? I was referring to manhattan dist.

bought Ṁ50 NO




1) black b pawn never moves

2) white h pawn never moves

3) black b pawn never moves

4) white f pawn never moves

5) white a pawn never moves

6) white b pawn never moves

7) white light bishop remains

8) white h pawn never moves

9) move 31 black h pawn moves 2 squares and doesn't move again until fewer than 8 pieces remain

10) white h pawn never moves

11) both f pawns never move

12) both b pawns never move

13) black g pawn never moves

14) move 25 white h pawn takes to stay on black

bought Ṁ386 YES

@Ernie there are 14 points so far (-3 in G1, 1 in G5, 3 in G7, -2 in G8, 2 in G11, 3 in G12)

@R2D2sm5g thanks. Once it's over I've got code to calculate the more complex ones

@R2D2sm5g wait, reading this again and looking at code, do you think this means to sum up the advantage? I wrote the code to do max(material_advantage_in_all_games_final_position) * 10%

@Ernie yeahhhh

no worries either way :)

bought Ṁ200 NO

@Ernie resolves NO (18 bishops have survived and just 8 knights)

RESOLUTIONS Unpaused, looking into questions needing updates now, thanks!

bought Ṁ1,458 YES

@Ernie 25. Na1 in game 11

bought Ṁ819 YES

@Ernie YES after move 26... Raxb6 (or after 25... Qxb6) in game 9

bought Ṁ444 YES

@Ernie Happened today in game 9, move 6 and 7.

@VaibhavGupta also previously, i believe

bought Ṁ1,166 YES

@Ernie YES (game 3)

bought Ṁ50 YES

@Ernie YES? (game 7's end state?)

bought Ṁ250 YES

@Ernie after black's move 41, game 7

bought Ṁ100 YES

@Ernie black was up after the first game.

bought Ṁ500 YES

@Ernie Resolves YES from Game 6: 9... O-O and 15. O-O-O

bought Ṁ317 YES

@Ernie This can resolve YES (Game 2 after 5.Nc3)

@Ernie as far as I know, game 3 was lost on time. Hard to know if Ding technically resigned in time, but his time ran out before clocks were stopped in any case. Take take take reports it as a time loss.

@Ernie can resolve YES

bought Ṁ894 YES

@Ernie Game 2 started 1. e4 e5. The White and Black armies are in two clusters and the third cluster is the two pawns in the middle of the board.

@Calibrate well done

@Ernie I was wondering what you were going for with this one, since clearly this wasn't what was intended!

@Calibrate yeah, faire fair though 😎 I've been trying to think of what to do for "Mexican standoff 2"

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