LK-99 volatility: price will go under 5% in August PST
resolved Aug 29
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predicted YES

@StrayClimb this should also be closed...

sold Ṁ0 of NO

Given the level of liquidity and stubbornness in the other market i really didn't expect this to work. I got wrecked! Thankfully my increased profit in the main market almost covers the loss

bought Ṁ65 of YES

@PeterWildeford sell your shares and recoup on this market

sold Ṁ31 of YES

@DanMan314 yes! Someone finally gets my plan

bought Ṁ10,000 of YES

@DanMan314 you got it

predicted YES

Edited desc to resolve conflict between title & description.

EDIT: title says "under" so we interpret that as meaing price <5%, NOT <=5%. Sorry for the confusion.

predicted NO

@StrayClimb If it can be shown that the market fell to e.g. 4.9%, will that be sufficient to resolve YES, or do you need the rounded-to-an-integer price shown on the page itself to be 4% or less?

The number on the page is rounded, but the actual unrounded price is accessible via the API, or (normally) just by zooming in on the profit graph - though the latter is bit buggy at the moment.

predicted YES

@chrisjbillington yes, how do we usually resolve this? Being able to get the exact price would reduce potential damage done to bettors here from before the clarification was added. I think that's a good solution.

predicted NO

@StrayClimb To see the exact current price you can go to e.g. and ctrl-f for "probability". To get the price history is a also not hard, if it comes down to that at market close let me know and I can provide a script anyone can use to verify.

Normally zooming in on the profit graph is sufficient, but its y axis gets messed up when zoomed in at the moment.

title =! description

predicted YES

@ShadowyZephyr Thanks, figuring this out in above comment. Would you be okay w/resolving based on <5%, but using the exact API price? That way there's only a single point of conflict between title / desc, in floating space, and it's very unlikely to matter.

bought Ṁ20 of YES

Lot of days left in the month....