Google Docs includes an AI Editor
resolved May 1

Google Docs will include an AI assistant by May 1, 2024 that allows users to edit and analyze document text using natural language commands and questions. The assistant will demonstrate the ability to handle a wide range of user input without the need for explicit commands or strict formatting, including:
- Making multiple, complex changes to non-contiguous selections of text (e.g. "Rewrite the first 3 paragraphs to be more compelling and add statistics to support the key points")
- Answering open-ended questions that require detailed analysis or contextual understanding (e.g. "What are the key themes of this essay?", "Is the logic in this argument flawed?")

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Okay, I tested this out on some personal docs. All of the criteria were met.

Rewriting and making suggestions for an argumentative essay (about the openAI markets & debate)

Adding suggestions to improve a short fiction story

Analyzing themes of a story

Evaluation of a plan I sent to my PA


basically it'll make a prompt of <what you select> + <your personal custom prompt> and then return gemini's response.

@Ernie The claim didn't specify if it has to be free or not - sorry for this. In nearly all other markets like this, I do specify that it is avail for say pppUSD100$/month since it's much more interesting to bet whether such a product will exist, than to be on "will it exist, and be free". i.e. "can we teleport and it's being productized" is more interesting than "can we teleport and are productizing it and it's FREE".

@Ernie Roger that. It is funny to resolve 2 days early when the thing in question has been out for a year as is though

@Panfilo yeah, sorry about that. Google sold me the editor a few weeks ago but I haven't tested it directly til now, too busy with other AI stuff. The feature is actually pretty great! I'm going to use it. If I can customize different bots and query patterns and stuff, I could just have an array of them to use against all the types of docs I regularly write! Re: timing, the claim says "by" so it's okay to resolve now.

Will check it out later today

How accessible does the AI assistant need to be? I just got access to Workspace Labs when I opened a Google Doc.

@Ernie This question could still use some clarification. I for example still don't have Workspace Labs, and thereby an AI Editor is not "included" in Google Docs for me. I think most of the big Yes bets were from people assuming this would be core by now, but it's not. Indeed, it may not be core for a large majority of people who have google docs. It's desktop only, and then only for people who have Workspace Labs too.

As such, I can't personally confirm that the help functions used in the description for resolution such as testing logical flaws or adding accurate/real statistics are effective without using strict formating or explicit commands. Indeed, even if they are, they might only be included for a small fraction of users. Manifold users may have a higher rate of Worspace access than the general public, too. I will not place a huge bet, in case this becomes a controversial market, but I certainly don't see why this was at 93%.

@Panfilo thanks for the info. I will check what I have later. I have some kind of new magic prompt looking thing but haven't tested it yet

@Ernie Hopefully that allows you to test it! As long as there’s a clear idea of whether it can robustly do the stuff in the description, and whether you intended for a widget available to a minority of users to count, I think the resolution will be fine.

predicted YES

A related integration of AI into a google product, but not as high priority.

predicted YES