Will I have caught up with my flashcard debt by the end of February, 2023?
resolved Mar 10

This market resolves YES if I hit inbox zero at any point before the deadline in 70 days.

In June, July, and August, I consistently did ~3.3 flashcard reviews per day, but I have only done ~40 reviews in total since then.

I have 164 overdue flashcards in RemNote as of Nov 23, 2022. But I estimate ~85% of those cards are entirely new, and I use the Anki SM-2 spaced repetition scheduler so I'll definitely see most of them again more than once. Plus I expect to add ~2 new flashcards per day. I haven't done the math, but maybe that means I have to do around 10-15 cards per day.

In fairness, I expect my cards are significantly smaller on average than they were back in August, so it all adds up. I won't let math stand in my way!

-harrowing flashcard debt noises-

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The incentives of personal goal markets is great. If I set a goal difficult enough that people will bet against me, it becomes more profitable for me to summon up more determination to actually do it. The more people bet NO, the more I can win on YES if indeed I succeed.

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