Will Representative Patrick McHenry be given more broad powers as speaker pro tempore of the House of Representatives?
resolved Oct 25

This needs to happen within 30 days or before a new speaker is chosen.

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predicted NO

I can't believe this market isn't moving based off how the idea of empowering this guy was completely scuttled by the Maga-Gaetz contingent.

predicted YES

@FrederickNorris They still have no idea what they are going to do or how they will get themselves out of this mess. At this point it's a wait and see. I will close this market when they give McHenry broader powers, November 24th or when a new speaker is elected.

predicted NO

@ElizabethMLuginbill Your close date is 10/24, not 11/24.

predicted YES

@FrederickNorris fair. I am still very new at this.

predicted NO

@ElizabethMLuginbill Me too. I also (arguably) messed up a market about Kevin being renominated because I didn't anticipate the cluck-eff the Rs would embody. Best to just make a new one after this closes.

predicted YES

@FrederickNorris I was able to expand the close date to the original 30 days that I stated when I opened the market.

predicted NO

@FrederickNorris Does the speaker debacle make Matt Gaetz Time’s person of the year?

bought Ṁ100 of NO

GOP reps just rules this out unless Jordan partners with Democrats and that ain’t happening

predicted NO

@octothorpe ifif them "Jordan to flip-flop around like a the rudderless incompetent that he is."

predicted YES

@octothorpe when they vote to give him more powers I will resolve this question.

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