At Manifest 2023, what questions/prompts will produce useful/fun debate between Yudkowsky and Destiny on Saturday?
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Yudkowsky and Destiny are scheduled to debate at Manifest 2023 and don't have much in the way of particular topics scheduled. What questions/prompts will produce interesting debates or disagreements between them?

NOTE: This event has now already happened.

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Should the FDA be abolished?

Not actually sure on the specifics of either of your positions but I presume there would be some disagreement as Destiny tends to be very pro institutions and (I think) has defended the FDA in the past.


Prompt: at what age does consciousness in humans begin?

Both Destiny and Yudkowsky have covered this in the past and I believe there are significant disagreements that might be interesting.

Whatever you discuss, I suggest you focus on finding something to bet on. Destiny has been willing to bet on stuff he's got strong opinions on in the past, and you can both afford to put down a few hundred for show. Find the crux of a disagreement, and bet.

Eliezer and, seemingly independently, Destiny have both arrived at the position, "if you believe your assertions are true, you should be willing to put money on them." I would love to see some discussion about how this ethos might be socio-culturally encouraged, and whether it would be an effective means of discouraging misinformation and grifting while rewarding truth-telling and credibility.

Prompt: "Is there at least a 10% chance that an AI will cause the death of at least 90% of living humans in the next 100 years?"

Reason: I don't think he has considered existential AI risk before and you could probably convince him.


For the purposes of raising the sanity waterline, is it better to focus on broad mass market outreach (Destiny's approach), or targeted interventions on the most receptive parties (Eliezer's approach)?

Whom of you would Aella enjoy having a one-night stand with?

I'd want to see an AI risk discussion, of course, but I think that the subtopic of the logistics of a global agreement to pause AI would be particularly interesting. As you probably know, Destiny's background is in politics, geography, history, etc. so he might have an insighftful perspective on how organizationally feasible it is, as well as what the most effective way to implement it would be.

In my experience, Destiny also has a good track record in terms of epistemic rationality, so I think there's a nontrivial chance for you to convince him on the overall idea.

Halfer or Thirder (or something else) in Sleeping Beauty problem?

In light of the "abolish FDA" suggestion, I'd love to hear a discussion about abolishing occupational licensing.

Though I'm unsure how surface-level Destiny's opinion of this, and how deeply ingrained yours is. If both of your knowledge of this topic is superficial, it'd probably be boring. Same applies to the abolish FDA discussion though.

Let's say you got through a magical room, such as station 9 and 3/4 from Harry Potter, and a new knowledge enters your mind. A dog you think is the sexist dog appears in front of you. You get, let's say, 5k for each time you do something sexual to completion with the dog. The dog wants you to do sexual shit with it. It gets great pleasure from this. No one will ever know. You can go back inside the dog and do it for as many times as you want. How many times is that?

If your answer is 0, then how much money would you take to do it once?

AI Risk and libertarianism would be great but have been mentioned already. It would be interesting, given both of your backgrounds, to see a debate on the costs and benefits of organized religion. My understanding is that Destiny is generally in favor of the sense of community that religion can convey, and Yud is generally against because it's stupid.

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