Will the Titan Submersible be rescued with passengers still alive before their 96 hours of oxygen is depleted?
resolved Jun 22

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predicted YES

We don't know that their oxygen is depleted.

predicted NO

@AndrewHebb the 96 hours is up, it's assumed the Titan is out of Oxygen.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

Idk why I feel so bad betting on this……

predicted NO

@Traveel you feel bad betting on this because you are betting yes. You're only betting yes because you feel that if you bet no, you're wishing death upon them; a no bet would be sealing their fate.; it's praying for their downfall; While a bet for yes, is still having hope that they make it out alive.
You also feel bad because deep down inside, you know that you aren't betting how you truly feel. You feel bad for lying to yourself. And worse of all you feel bad for making a losing bet. Losing mana can be difficult for some. 🪦 I'm sorry for your mana loss 🪦

Fun fact: the mana that is transfered, in markets where death is involved, whether buying or selling, gets tainted and becomes blood-mana.

predicted NO

@Traveel higherLEVELING ain't wrong.

You can't bet on NO because that would mean that there was a tiny part of you, no matter how small, that would celebrate your win and therefore their death, as you pat yourself on the back for being such a clever ducky for predicting correctly.

But if you bet YES to protect your soul from the devil, it most likely only drives home the fact that your bet on Manifold Markets does not have any power to make even the slightest difference to whether they live or die and the world is just an uncontrollable, chaotic death trap in which we are constantly being rattled and jumbled about by the hands of fate until we are discarded, bent and broken by the wayside as the world continues on unfazed by our demise.

So either way, this market's unlikely to spark any warm and fuzzies.

predicted YES

@higherLEVELING Eh. Reason I bet yes was because yes payout is like 400M for 10M. Similar to how playing the lottery can net you a billion dollars for the meager price of five. Of course, house always wins, and so every dollar you spend betting almost guarantees a negative profit, but some people don’t play the lottery because they expect to win where real reason is the idea of it.

Bears are necessary and make for good regulators. It’s good that we had people betting on the housing bubble popping and people losing their jobs, homes, and livelihoods. There’s virtue in truth and danger in delusion. However, a delusion you believe to be a delusion cannot be a delusion. More important though are romantics, who defy every law of every market.

Look, I harbor no delusions about the situation. And your point of blood-mana (which I assume you’re really using as an allusion to real money) is also pretty weak. Obviously there’s irony in someone donating (losing deal) their dollar on eco-friendly child-labor, but it’s also important that people do.

predicted NO

@Traveel My bad, i assumed you were more empathetic to the situation, but seems I was wrong. I have to agree, blood-mana is a weak allusion to blood money. My idea of blood-mana is supposed to be similar to blood diamonds or conflict diamonds, and not blood money (restitution). I understand why it may have seemed to not fit, but try slotting in blood diamond instead of blood money. it should make more sense now.

predicted NO

What if they are rescued alive but late? As in they have managed to somehow find a way to extend their air supply, surviving beyond the 96 hours?

predicted YES

@Ansel no shot

predicted NO

@Ansel the market will resolve after the intial 96 hours have past, tomorrow morning.

What if one or several passengers are alive, while some or many pass away?

6/20 15:14 EDT. Officials estimated that the crew onboard has "about 40 hours of breathable air left."

predicted NO

@XComhghall all must be rescued and found alive

do they have to be rescued? or is being spotted ok?

bought Ṁ25 of NO

@higherLEVELING rescued alive

@AmyMcMunn The title says "found", but now you're saying "rescued".

predicted NO