Will Nate Silver join or found an organization associated with EA, rationalists, or prediction markets?
resolved Jul 16

At the time of this market's creation, Nate Silver is figuring out what he wants to do after his current contract with Disney expires: https://natesilver.substack.com/p/some-personal-news

I've always thought of Nate as "rationalist-adjacent", though I'm not sure he'd agree. Will his next project be associated with rationalists, EAs, or prediction markets? Examples would include:

  • Founding a "new FiveThirtyEight" as a nonprofit funded by prominent EA figures

  • Getting hired by Manifold or Metaculus or partnering with them in some way

  • Starting a new prediction market

Ultimately resolves on my personal judgement, but I promise not to get creative in interpreting "association". Resolves at the end of 2024.

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What if he became an advisor of s company?

I'll count it if it's a paid position and publicly announced.

He lists "Effective altruism, rationalism and philosophy" as a potential topic in his survey for what people want him to cover next. (He also lists prediction markets!)

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