*"Our Neighborhood Voices" attempted to qualify a constitutional amendment for the 2024 California ballot that would override state housing laws in favor of local control. However, after receiving what they called a misleading title and summary from the Attorney General, they postponed their efforts to 2026.
This market resolves to YES if an initiative backed by "Our Neighborhood Voices" or a materially similar group qualifies for the November 2026 California statewide ballot, as determined by the California Secretary of State.
If no such initiative qualifies by the relevant deadline (likely June 2026), the market resolves to NO."
Resolution Criteria:
The initiative must be confirmed by the California Secretary of State as officially qualified for the November 2026 ballot.
It must substantially resemble the previously proposed initiative, meaning it focuses on restoring local control over zoning and land-use decisions at the expense of state-level housing laws.
The market resolves early to YES if qualification is officially confirmed before the closing date.
If no such initiative qualifies by the relevant deadline, the market resolves NO.
Sources for resolution:
Official updates from California Secretary of State
Announcements from "Our Neighborhood Voices"
Major California political news sources (e.g., CalMatters, LA Times, SF Chronicle)