Will Destiny talk with Joe Rogan by the end of 2023?
resolved Jan 1

Any kind of messages don't count - it has to be a conversation either in person or over a voice call. Doesn't necessarily have to be the Joe Rogan Experience.

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No need for a long conclusion on this one - it simply didn't happen in any form whatsoever as of the end date.

predicted YES


predicted YES

With him putting up quite the fight this weekend at mindfest, I could see this happening way more than before.

does this count?

predicted NO

@goldenes56 lol u 🧢

predicted YES

@goldenes56 it's a joke. It's making fun of MrGirl and the report that he wrote on Destiny. The lengthy report has a word count of approx. 108 000. MrGirl said that he wants the report to act as a warning to people who are looking to interact with destiny.
Timestamp: 35:10 - https://rumble.com/v2esv8y-mrgirl-hotline-40-the-destiny-report.html
You can tell it is a joke at the part where he says that Joe read the ENTIRE MrGirl report and that because of the report, being a guest on the show was no longer a possibility.

predicted NO

This is definitely happening. Vote yes.

@Rederth 😂

predicted YES

Now with factorio over its time for him to branch out even more and get on the pod.

predicted YES

Similar market:

predicted YES

@Aghgg2 Seems strange this has higher odds, seems like a great place for arbitrage.

Will Destiny talk with Joe Rogan by the end of 2023?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition

predicted NO
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