Will someone besides FiveThirtyEight publish Nate Silver’s 2024 general election model?
Oct 31

Seems like he's most likely leaving FiveThirtyEight when his contract is up, in the midst of massive layoffs...and that he still owns the model?

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@SG wait is manifold trying to license this?!??

bought Ṁ35 of NO

Nate just noted at Manifest that he’d be reluctant to publish because people complain more about mistakes than they praise accuracy, and the odds will be 60/4 to 50/50 with no new information, so it’s all downside to actually publish.

bought Ṁ40 of YES

Not the politics model, but Silver says he is looking for a new home for his sports models.

What happens if Nate Silver is the one to publish his own forecast (eg. he hosts it on a personal website)? I assume that counts as "someone besides FiveThirtyEight), just wanted to verify.

Also, what happens if Nate Silver does not publish a model?

predicts YES

@Gabrielle Self-publishing counts as YES. No model counts as NO.

bought Ṁ15 of NO

The biggest contingency for this was that 538 would relicense the model anyway, for continuity. But now that they're hiring Elliott Morris, this seems unlikely. It also seems pretty unlikely to me that he wouldn't publish it at all, I imagine there's a lot of demand for it.

bought Ṁ10 of NO

@BoltonBailey he's said he's also been contacted by private gamblers/traders who want to use his model, which would mean he wouldn't make it public.

bought Ṁ40 of YES

Nate’s latest substack sounded like he was trying to get this to happen