Will @ScottLawrence feel that his misresolved market has been resolved correctly within three days?
resolved Apr 8

The embedded market is currently misresolved - only 4 people had created markets by the time it was resolved. I'm not sure when the original market close was, but if it's after now, then I would be the fifth, legitimizing the current YES resolution. On the other hand, if Scott feels that this market doesn't count since it was made after the market closed, then perhaps he can get Manifold admins to re-resolve his market NO. Either way would count.

Anyway, resolves YES if Scott feels that his market is resolved correctly anytime before 6pm PT on Friday, April 7, and NO if he still feels like it is resolved incorrectly then.

General policy for my markets: In the rare event of a conflict between my resolution criteria and the agreed-upon common-sense spirit of the market, I may resolve it according to the market's spirit or N/A, probably after discussion.

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predicted YES

Alright, @ScottLawrence, what is your current opinion?

@Conflux No, it has to be an incorrect resolution. Sorry folks!

predicted YES

Oh interesting, I interpreted this question differently, as whether you feel the resolution is incorrect now. I.e. I thought it was about whether the market's resolution of yes/no is now the correct one, vs about whether you made a mistake.

I definitely think the resolution was incorrect, but the correct resolution now is YES, and therefore YES is no longer incorrect as a resolution.

predicted YES

@jack I think I agree with you - ultimately the market's about Scott's opinion though

@Conflux y'all misunderstand. I'm being pedantic about "by close". The only correct resolution is NO, which is also unfair.

Okay, ping me after market close, and I'll announce how I feel.

(Haha, "market close".)

Strictly speaking I was the fifth and you were the sixth, I think:

bought Ṁ60 of YES

@ScottLawrence Ah, you're counting yourself.

Hey wait, maybe you were actually the first then?